In this article, I am going to show you how to make the two Y-carriage adapter plates out of 1/2” aluminum stock, using a drill press.
In addition you will need the following.
1/8” Drill bit
5/16” Drill bit
1/2” Drill bit
1/2” Forstner bit.
You will also need a way to deburr the holes.
The Stock
Start with two pieces of aluminum 12” x 3” x 1/2”. If you don’t have a way to cut it, purchase the stock already cut.
The stock I am using is 6061-T6511.
Step 1
Attach the templates to the stock using some blue tape.
Step 2
Use a punch to mark all the holes.
Step 3
Use the template to help you mark the four holes that will need to be countersunk.
Step 4
Use a 3/16” drill bit and place a dimple at each punch mark.
Step 5
Drill each of the 18 holes with a 5/16” drill bit.
Step 6
Install a 1/2” drill bit into your drill press and set the depth stop at 1/8” from the table.
You can use a 1/8” drill bit to help you set the depth as shown here.
Step 7
Countersink the four center holes.
Step 8
Use a 1/2” forstner bit to flatten the bottoms of the 1/2” countersink holes.
Step 9
We are going to use the same machine screw to mount the plate to the trucks.
You will however need some narrow M6 plain washers.
Assembly is the same as with the other plate materials. Follow the instructions in the book.
Using aluminum for the Y carriage adapter plate only add a marginal amount of rigidity over Corian, and is substantially more expensive. It does however, electrically connect your Y carriage extrusion to your table.
It is a good starting point for doing your adapter plates in aluminum. If you find this too difficult for you skills or equipment, it is probably best to use another rigid plate material, such as Corian.
Making a Pocket in Aluminum