In this article we will install wires onto some of the components. This will help us with final assembly later.
Required Wires
You will need the following 14 gauge wire lengths:
AC Input Connector
#1 Green – 5” 16AWG Connects to AC In Connector GND
#2 White - 7” 16AWG Connects to AC In Connector Neutral
#3 Black – 3” 16AWG Connects to AC In Connector Line
Fuse Holder
#4 Black – 3” 16AWG Connects to Fuse Holder Near Nut
#5 Black – 7” 16AWG Connects to Fuse Holder End
#6 Black – 7” 16AWG Connects to SSR terminal AC Terminal 1
#7 Black – 8” 16AWG Connects to SSR terminal AC Terminal 2
#8 Red – 7” 20AWG Connects PID SSR Control + Terminal 8
#9 Blue – 7” 20 AWG Connects to PID SSR Control - Terminal 6
#10 Green – 5” 20AWG Connects to PID TC - Terminal 3
#11 Yellow – 5” 20AWG Connects to PID TC + Terminal 4
#12 White - 7” 16AWG Connects to PID Power In Terminal 9
#13 Black – 8” 16AWG Connects to PID Power In Terminal 10
Step 1 - Install Heat-Sink
Install a small amount of thermal compound to the heat-sink, as shown here.
Spread the compound with your finger.
Attach the SSR to the heat-sink with the included screws.
Step 2 - Wire AC Connector
Connect 2 white 7” wires (#2,#3) to the N terminal on the AC in connector
Connect green 5” wire (#1) to ground (center) terminal on AC in Connector
Connect Black 3” wire (#4) to the L terminal on AC in Connector
Connector Option
To reduce some of the soldering needed, you can use quick connect connectors.
Here I added a female spade connector to both the green and white wires and attached them to the AC in connector as shown here.
Note that the black wire is not attached.
Step 3 - Wire Fuse Holder
Connect black 3” wire (#6) to the fuse holder terminal closest to the nut.
Connect black 7” wire (#7) to the fuse holder terminal on the end of the holder.
Connector Option
The fuse holder is the only component that requires a solder connection. If you want to use the connector option a female spade connector is added to the end of the 3” wire and a ring connector is added to the end of the 7” wire.
The other ends are then soldered to the fuse holder.
Step 4 - Wire SSR
Connect black 7” wire (#8) to SSR AC Terminal 1
Connect 2 black 8” wires (#9, #10) to SSR AC Terminal 2
Step 5 - Wire PID
Connect Red 7” (#11) to PID SSR control + terminal 8
Connect Blue 7” (#12) to PID SSR control - terminal 9
Connect green 5” (#13) to PID TC - terminal #3
Connect Yellow 5” (#14) to PID TC + terminal #4
Please note that the PID terminals indicated here are for the Inkbird PID. If you are using the Mypin or another PID, you will have to use the terminal descriptions above to locate the terminals on your PID.
Here is another view of the Inkbird PID using the recommended 14 gauge wires.
The components are now ready to install into the enclosure. Make sure all the wires are securely attached to the shown components before proceeding.
If something is not clear to you, be sure to use the contact form below and I will help clarify the instructions.