In order for a toolpath to be generated each part of the drawing needs to be in a layer. By default all the drawing items are located in a default directory called "Layer_1". Because we want to do different operations on the different elements of the drawing, we need to move them to different layers.
In order to move individual drawing elements to various layers, we need to place the drawing into contour mode as shown here.
Right click on the gears shaft hole shown here.
You will get a popup menu. Select the Move to layer/New layer option shown here.
In the small dialog box, give the layer the name of "shaft hole" as shown here.
Right clock on the gear teeth and create a new layer called "Teeth".
You will see your new layers in the layer pane shown here.
By deselecting layers you can remove them as I have done with the outside rectangle.
Your drawing objects are now in separate layers. You group layers by what you want to do with them. For instance, we are going to create and outside toolpath for the teeth, and a inside toolpath on the shaft hole. For this reason they need to be in separate layers.
In the next section we will look at generating the actual toolpaths.