Upgrading the KRMx02 CNC (Digital Edition)
Upgrading the KRMx02 CNC (Digital Edition)
The Illustrated Guide to Upgrading Your KRMx02 CNC
(Digital Download) Please note that this is a digital download version of the book. It is in the form of a full color PDF file.
This 200 page book describes step by step how to upgrade your KRMx02 CNC. Written in the same style as the "Building the KRMx02 CNC" workbook, you will be able to perform the following upgrades to your CNC.
This workbook edition gains you access to the private KRMx02 Forums (Upgrade Section).
The forums will give you access to the following Files:
G-code and drawing files for the dragon cable.
Dragon Cable Calculator.
G-code and drawing files for the gantry brace.
G-code and drawing files for the Estop mounting plates.
G-code and drawing files for the homing switch mounts.
Depth Probe script files.
A master BOM list with hyper links for all upgrades is included in both PDF and excel format.
A detailed breakdown of the book can be found here
You will be sent an invitation to the forums with the proper login information. The BOM (Bill of Materials), and any additional files that may be needed will be located there.